Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Jet Li - A CIA operative hires a team of mercenaries to eliminate a Latin dictator and a renegade CIA agent. Title Director Production Company Credit The Expendables Sylvester Stallone Millennium Films 1st Unit Floor...
Conan 3D
Jason Momoa, Ron Perlman, Rose McGowan - A vengeful barbarian warrior sets off to get his revenge on the evil warlord who attacked his village and murdered his father when he was a boy. Title Director Production Company Credit Conan Marcus Nispel Millenium...
Charles Dance, Rutger Hauer, Barry Atsma - When the young republic of The Netherlands is attacked by England, France and Germany and the country itself is on the brink of civil war, only one man can lead the county's strongest weapon, the Dutch fleet: Michiel de...
Tom Cruise, Bill Nighy - A dramatization of the 20 July assassination and political coup plot by desperate renegade German Army officers against Hitler during World War II. Title Director Production Company Credit Valkyrie Bryan Singer United Artists...
Ninja Assassin
Rick Yune, Naomie Harris, Rain - A young ninja turns his back on the orphanage that raised him, leading to a confrontation with a fellow ninja from the clan. Title Director Production Company Credit Ninja Assassin/td> James Morgue
ITV – Midwinter of the Spirit
Anna Maxwell Martin as Rev Merrily Watkins in the ITV adaptation of Midwinter of the Spirit Title Director Production Company Credit Midwinter...
Arcadia SFX Showreel 2016
The 2016 Arcadia SFX showreel - edited by Jonathan Glendening